Overdrive is now LIBBY


Thinking of gifting or getting a personal reading device over the holidays? Make sure you “give” the gift of free books as well!!

In 2023 Overdrive (eBooks and eAudio) will complete it’s conversion over to Libby. The Libby app has been around for several years and many of you may have already made the switch… if not don’t worry! We found some helpful tips, videos, and lists to make your transition (or new experience) easier!!!

Signing up for LIBBY

Getting Libby on your device is quick and easy!

Click here to find the link for your specific device!

After downloading the app you will need to add your library card. For this you will need the same information you use to get onto your account through our online catalog (your library number and pin). If you need help locating this information contact us at the library!

Our friends at Deerfield Public Library have made this process a little easier with this quick video!



What can I get on LIBBY?

Libby has added tons of new content and materials over the last couple years. Now, not only can you check out eBooks and eAudio books, but also digital magazines and online classes!!

Libby has partnered with Artist Works and Universal Class to offer fun and informative art, music, writing, and more classes from the same place you get your eBooks and digital magazines! Use the links below to learn more about Artist Works and Universal class, but make sure you sign into Libby to get your FREE classes!

Artist Works

Universal Class

Of course you’ll also have access to thousands of fiction and nonfiction titles! One of our favorite genres on the app is the COOKBOOKS! A great way to preview the newest ones before you buy!

Watch Ms Whitney’s Libby Scroll to see some of the awesome materials available!

Libby Scroll

Can’t decide what you want to read?  Goodreads has made it easy by making a comprehensive list of the best books available on Libby! Some of these may not be in our Libby system, but if you can’t find what you’re looking for feel free to suggest it below!

Goodreads Libby List

Of course we always take suggestions! If you are already using and/or searching Libby and can’t find a specific title use the form below to request it! We will try our best to add it our collection!